
Out Of The Office Thursday And Friday Mornings

About Us


This coming Thursday and Friday mornings I will be out of the office. The office will be open in the afternoon hours 3-6

Office Hours:
Monday: 8-10am, 3-6pm
Tuesday: 8-10, closed in the afternoon
Wednesday: 8-10am, 3-6pm
Thursday: closed, 3-6
Friday: Closed, 3-5:30pm
Saturday: 8-10, by appointment.

Make sure to like us on Facebook so you will get all the updates about office hours, upcoming events and more.

Have We Improved Your Life In Any Way?

Let Others Know!
You can use these questions to make your own testimonial and share

  • What was the reason (health concerns) you came/ brought your child to see Dr. Amit for chiropractic care?

  • How did these health issues affected your/your child’s quality of life?

  • What improvements did you see with your health/ your child’s health?

  • How did your/your child’s quality of life improved with care?

  • How was your overall experience?

  • Who would you recommend chiropractic too?

Wow, your testimonial is incredible and will definitely help others in their journey toward health and well-being. We would love it if you will put it on our Facebook page as a review or simply email me at drofekdc@gmail.com

If you or someone you know is looking for answers regarding their child’s health and are not satisfied with the answers they have gotten let them know about the Baseline Assessments that I do.Baseline assessments are done at my expense for all kids under the age of 15.

ArleeVa123! none 7:00 am - 10:30 am 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 10:30 am 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm 2:15 pm - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 10:30 am Closed Closed chiropractor # # # https://g.page/OfekChiropractic?share https://www.royacdn.com/unsafe/smart/Site-a90c4e3a-ce80-4eba-a46d-05678b6799a9/OfekFC_PopUp_NewPatient_V2.jpg https://calendly.com/drofekdc/15min