
Improvement With Sensory Processing In An 8 Years Old – Testimonial

Incredible Changes With Sensory Processing

“Our daughter was born in a very fast delivery without any difficulties at all. However, very early on she developed a variety of health issues and concerns. Latching issues, multiple ear infections, upper respiratory infections, Colic/Reflux, severe constipation that required enemas (first 4 months), Primitive reflex s and more. Visits to the emergency room became very common. Antibiotics and other medications became part of a repetitive ritual that seemed to only bring temporary relief. In addition to these health issues, we noticed changes in her behavior (aggression), personality, sensory processing, and sleep. These changes were tough on a daily basis and gave us concern regarding her future. Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD and a variety of other diagnosis were given to us. We became very determined to find a way to help our daughter. We were seeing an Occupational Therapist as well as a special doctor to prescribe special supplements. We saw some changes with all these therapies, but not quite a much change as we expected. A friend recommended looking for a pediatric chiropractor. The concept was very new to us but we were willing to try anything. Now at eight years old, our daughter has started care with Dr. Ofek. and We noticed significant positive changes in a short period of time. After only a few weeks of care the frequency of wetting her bed dropped significantly, which had been a daily routine that required her to wear diapers. Her sensory processing has improved as well. Her Occupational Therapist even asked me about what we have been doing differently lately, because he’s noticed positive changes! We have been getting chiropractic care for a few months now and are still constantly seeing improvement. I am excited and hopeful about my daughter’s future and definitely consider chiropractic care to be an integral part of this future. By the way, I now see Dr. Ofek and my mom sees him as well. We are seeing improved health and wellness in ourselves, too.”

If you or someone you know is looking for answers regarding their child’s health and are not satisfied with the answers they have gotten let them know about the Baseline Assessments that I do.Baseline assessments are done at my expense for all kids under the age of 15.

Helping others is my passion and the “health baseline assessment” is my way of giving back to my community and help parents raise healthy children

ArleeVa123! none 7:00 am - 10:30 am 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 10:30 am 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm 2:15 pm - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 10:30 am Closed Closed chiropractor # # #